Best 6 Books To Read About Blockchain & Bitcoin On Amazon

Blockchain is one revolutionary technology that is considered in high regard by some of the greatest brains of the world. Blockchain is a transparent, public ledger that keeps account of everything just like an ordinary ledger but open to all. Some consider blockchain as the biggest invention to take place since the Internet. As most of us know, the internet has skewed the world into a click. Internet which one perceived as too geeky is now used by even the uneducated one in some form or the other. In similar ways, Blockchain which is still in the early phases of the experiment will transform the world for the good. One of the earliest experiments of blockchain is Bitcoin. Bitcoin needs no introduction but for those who wonder what this tech is? Bitcoin is a peer to peer currency, completely decentralized that can’t be hacked or manipulated. Bitcoin will change the finance system forever in the coming years in fact changing it this second. Finance is one of the use cases of blockchain. There are many more unexplored ones as well. So, if you are excited about this tech & want to learn more about it, you should read all the below books & after finishing all these books you will be amazed by the tech advancements.

Digital Gold

Digital Gold is a story of the early days of Bitcoin. Bitcoin was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto after the stock market crash in 2008. At that time, Bitcoin was trading at a few cents & a decade later the same is trading around 10,000 USD. Largely hailed as Gold 2.0 by this tech world. Bitcoin is expected to rise to an unmatched price of a few hundred thousand dollars. This book will take you to the early years of Bitcoin & its world. A perfect book to start your journey to this world.

Book Review of Digital Gold

Blockchain Revolution:

This book talks more about the different things that can be performed through blockchain. The author talks about the various industries that will radically change through the blockchain. With a combination of blockchain & AI; our daily lives will not the same & in the coming decade’s things will change drastically for the good. This book will take you to various industries & its functions & how it will change after the introduction of blockchain. A great book to get some ideas about the future & how you can adapt to it.

Blockchain Revolution Book Review Mark My Adventure


Since 2015, the development in blockchain has boomed. Most of the new businesses are building their businesses on the blockchain. There are tokens, mineable coins, stable coins & whatnot & there is hardly any book that explains these concepts thus this book will tell you about the functioning of various terms & what are its uses in the world of blockchain. This will help you greatly in figuring out what all types of assets are there in blockchain & what are the functions of each of them.


Mastering Bitcoin:

A more of a technical book about how the bitcoin blockchain functions & what is the necessity of its code. This book is not for everyone as this will dive deep into the technicalities of the blockchain. The book is great for people looking to learn about the bitcoin blockchain & how can they use it in their projects. Blockchain is a complex structure & mastering it requires a lot of patience & hard work. This book will surely help you to get some extra legroom or comfortable with the code of blockchain, cryptography, total supply, halving, etc.

Mastering Bitcoin Mark My Adventure

Internet of Money:

Andreas Antonopoulos is Bitcoin Jesus for the simple reason that he shares wisdom without any return. He talks about the use case of Bitcoin & why it is so important in today’s world. Internet of Money is a collection of his talks over the period of time, that will make you fall in love with this technology. He speaks passionately & positively. Not only this he also talks about the possible hindrance in the adaption of this technology. Thus, no bitcoin talk is complete if we don’t mention him in the context & anyone without tech knowledge should listen to him.

The Internet of Money

Bitcoin Billionaires:

Facebook’s story is well known to the world. In the movie, The Social Network; there is mention of two brothers who worked with Mark Zuckerberg during his quest & who later sue him for stealing their idea. The same twin brother jumped into then fancy money Bitcoin after the Facebook settlement. Bitcoin was introduced to them at some party & after researching about it. They were convinced that it will change the world so they went all in, they bought most of the Bitcoin they can get their hand on. It is assumed that at one point in time they had 1% of total bitcoin supply. As informed earlier, Bitcoin price started with few cents & once the price of 1 Bitcoin hit 10,000 USD they became billionaires.

Bitcoin Billionaires Book Review Mark My Adventure
All these books are a must to read if you want to get informed about this tech & Bitcoin. This technology is awesome & if the development is matched with the potential our world will change for the good. Also, it is one of the biggest investment opportunity at the current moment. So, don’t miss it. I hope this will help you to learn something new today.

Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin is a decentralized peer to peer digital currency. As per the whitepaper, there will be only 21 million bitcoin ever in the world, which is the reason that it is scarcer than gold (total supply of gold is not known to anyone). Bitcoin is one experiment that is successful & it has been alive for a decade & seems it will last much longer than earlier predicted. The value of an asset is determined by the scarcity of the asset. The beauty of bitcoin is that it has been designed in such a way that nobody can inflate or deflate the value, which is unique in terms of currency.

Bitcoin Halving Mark My Adventure

A mathematical code takes care of supply, mining, etc & there is one beauty in this code. Every 4 years the reward for mining a block is reduced to half. This will continue until every bitcoin is mined (somewhere in the year 2140). This is the third bitcoin halving event which is predicted to happen on 12 May 2020. The starting reward was 50 bitcoins, 4 years later it was reduced to 25 bitcoin & after 12 May 2020, it will be 6.25 bitcoins.

Bitcoin halving is a popular event among the visionaries. There is a lot of speculation after this bitcoin halving & many of them say the price will rocket to the moon. But, that is unpredictable nobody knows where the price moment will shift. It can go either way, so don’t ride that wave. Buy Bitcoin, not for some quick buck. But, for the opportunity, it will give you against all the inflation, currency fluctuations, etc. Since the inception, the price of Bitcoin moved from 0.02 USD to 9000 USD you can do the math of profit. So, if anyone saying buy now & sell them after the halving is not good advice at all. Always do your research & try to find logical reasons behind it. There is still some time left for Bitcoin Halving & in a few days we will come to know about the price moment. So, keep a close eye & ride the wave.

Be True To Yourself

Life is one white canvas on which you can paint anything you want. However, the problem is we forget that it’s our canvas. With education, social circle & social media, & all the distractions, we get tangled in the race to prove something or create something or somehow be in the center of attraction. So, we align our stuff in those lines, the lines which are created by someone else & which may or may not be ideal for you. Being aspired by someone is one thing, but having a deep interest in that particular skill is all the difference between surviving & living. If you are truly living it, you will be willing to go deep down into the subject, & also you will be willing to do it without any prize attached to it. So, the love towards the process remains intact & the result is just the substitute product of your efforts. There is one more thing that comes with loving the process, it can help you to innovate something unimaginable that has not been done prior. So, when so many things are at stake, it becomes really important to choose the path that you like & not follow the path that someone else has chosen for you. You should give your self foremost importance.

Often people are told what they should need to do which is primarily based on their analysis for that person. But, hardly anyone thinks according to the people whom they are giving advice. Everyone gives advice which is according to them is best for the other person & that other person without giving second thought follows the advice. I feel we are not tuned to make our decisions, we always rely on the others to make correct decisions for us. This maybe the reason we are not wholeheartedly into that thing & if we are not wholeheartedly into a particular thing, the seed of sadness & frustration slowly grows in our mind without our acknowledgment. This sour seed will grow into a massive tree of resentment & guilt over the period if not treated. Another point could be the future that we perceive. We are constantly thinking about the future & in that fact, we forget the simple fact that the present is all that matters. Being 100% present in the moment will open the doors to bliss & fulfillment.

True To Yourself
Every decision we take is based on future repercussions. Our wishful thinking makes us believe that the world will there forever, without realizing that we have limited time on this planet. Many people have sailed through life without realizing that they will be living just for once. But, it’s never a simple decision to make. There are many hurdles while making decisions, maybe we are not confident enough or educated enough to figure out our current situation. We are not sure if the decision we are making is based on short term gain or long term gain. This is the toughest decision you will ever make & this is what will determine your future. However, the bottom line is that you will never get to know how the outcome will be with either of the decisions you make. No roadmap can help you get to your desired result which makes it unpredictable even if you have all the information available, life is so unpredictable. So, no matter what you do or what path you pursue you will be always be surprised. This doesn’t mean you should not have any goals. Goals are the guiding light to your life but reaching the goal should be the last thing in our mind. We should prepare ourselves to the best of our capabilities to reach our goals, but happiness should not be complementary with your goals it should be independent of it.

Not everyone is happy with their current situation. Somebody is stuck at a wrong job, with the wrong person, wrong place, or millions of other wrong things. But, we only think about “IF”. The mighty If, which doesn’t allow us to make concrete decisions as we are busy making several hundred case studies in our mind, most of which are negative & ultimately doesn’t allow us to pursue that. We make imaginary situations & results in our mind, forgetting that we actually need to live it to really experience it & without realizing the fact that result can be completely different from what you might have thought. However, fear of failing is fatal, the same society which is supposedly there to support during tough times will tear you down once you take one wrong step, your colleagues will make fun of you for not choosing the path chosen by the herd if you are not able to successfully complete the path you chose, all these things doesn’t make things simpler by a bit. In fact, it makes it tougher & because of peer pressure, we decide not to go with it. With so many external factors dictating our mindset, we forget what we love doing something, something that completes you & something that makes you a living being not just a being. So, we continue to pursue what we may or may not like & this may result in permanent sadness, stress, or any other problems you can think of.

This phenomenon is explained in many movies, series, books, etc. The interest of doing something is like a goal that nobody else can see except you is basically a plot of most if not all the underdog movies. Every underdog movie will celebrate this unique feature of the few, the only reason I can think of is they want you to believe in yourself for the once & start doing what you want to do. Some would say, I can’t do it for some x,y,z reasons which may be true as well. But, if something is really important you will find time to do it. Don’t waste time scrolling Instagram, browsing Facebook but to utilize the same time to hone your skills. This is the best time to follow what interests you. Not necessarily to leave everything behind & jump into the sea. But, to cover all the bases before deciding what you need to do. This white canvas is yours & you should be able to decide what color you want to paint on it. Don’t let anyone else choose paints for you. You will probably take birth for one time only & it is better to utilize to best of your capabilities. You don’t need to impress anyone, you just need to live the life you want to live, without any judgment, without any guilt & without any burden. If you are true to yourself, you will be true to others & you don’t need to hide or pretend anything that you are not & you can save all that energy to do something worth doing, not for the world but to you. On that note, I feel this post will help you find your mojo & even if you are not able to find it, don’t worry about it. Be true to yourself & do stuff that you like to do. Not everyone can have the same destiny, you will have to travel yours. So, rather than seeing the destination as a complement to your happiness choose able to walk on the path to greatness as a complement to your happiness. Just remember reaching the goal is just as important as walking on the path of your goal.

Thoughts While Hiking Solo

Doing a solo activity is always a tough task, Andrew Agassi said in his biography, Open; that tennis is one of the loneliest sports in the world. From the moment you step into the court you are disconnected from the world & from there on, it is you & your decisions throughout the match. Apparently, which is true. Making decisions in real-time can be tough & hard & probably that is the reason which makes great players. A great player can control his or her emotions & can stay on the top of their game compared to their peers.

Hiking Solo

Yet, unlike tennis where there are hundreds of spectators watching your every move, cheering you & motivating you. Hiking is a solo & lonely affair. For the starters, there are no spectators & one step can terribly dampen your spirits. While every other solo sport takes this thrill of death from the moment due to the availability of medics, crowd & other help (that does make it a little less risky than hiking). Hiking check all these points that make it thrilling & dangerous at the same time. So, here are my experiences while hiking solo at some of the places lesser-known to me, a place where I went for the first time.

I am not an active hiker, but I have hiked a bit. From hiking solo in Mount Huashan to Lion’s head I have completed a few of the hikes that too solo. Every time I start with a hike, there is a sense of excitement, thrill & fear of mishappening. Hiking is very uncertain, many external factors complemented with the thoughts dictate your experience of a hike. With each passing minute, many thoughts will cross your mind from past to future, to holidays, to love, to the sport, to random events & whatnot. It is hard to control the mind amidst when there is silence on the outside. Hiking requires an alert, doing anything for the first time releases the dopamine in mind that is the reason for your happiness & one of the main reasons to hike. Although it seems to be simple, however uncertain external conditions make it challenging, something you were not aware of, sudden rain, a fear of the wrong step, slipping at the wrong place, walking the wrong path, etc. There are so many things that can ruin the moment which can’t be determined beforehand. Some things have to be kept for the chance & as some wise man has said,” while driving on the highway at night, you only have to see 3 mts ahead of you & rest will follow”. On the same line, you have to take few steps at a time & then think forward.

While hiking, you have to take care of yourself which goes without saying. Hiking a random place with no prior experience will only make it tough & it becomes the priority to take care of your self. While hiking, a lot depends on your intuition, the intuition plays an important role while hiking solo. I trust my intuition more than often than not. After preparing for the hike, the only thing left is to make that hike & stories of your hike.

The starting point is always exciting, the views & there is something rememberable that supersedes all other expressions. With each passing step, the view becomes more memorable, unique & slowly the happiness of hiking a new place starts to sinks into the mind. But, before reaching the top, many other landmarks need to be crossed, some in the path & some in the mind. The funny thing about hiking solo is infinite thoughts, that come in the mind with each passing view. Each view will trigger some story in your mind. The story can be relevant or irrelevant it doesn’t matter because it is nonessential in the context of the things.

Most of the hikes have easy parts & tough parts. Let’s begin with easy parts, the easy parts are simple & can be completed easily by anyone. The normal walk is hardly a concern for anyone, just put on the headphone & walk while enjoying the pleasant surroundings. Each view will take you to some memory lane. The beautiful sceneries, fresh air, sound of leaves rattling, etc all will amaze you to the core. You will be astonished by nature & would often criticize yourself for not enjoying these precious little moments. The deeper you are in nature the more clear your thoughts get & sometimes all the glitters of the world seem to be vague & irrelevant when in such an environment. The happiness of enjoying life as pure & raw which is hard to fathom. The reason for enjoying nature is you don’t calculate the time you passed in nature or how much is left, you are in that present moment which is the only thing that matters. There comes a point when your thoughts leave you for the good & then there is nothing left other than your surroundings. This stage is what we are craving for but with so many noises in our mind, we are always miles behind that point. People have tried many ways to reach this point some use meditation, some use sports, some use adventure & some use passion. If one reached that position where they can enjoy the present moment, respect them. They are part of a rare breed.

The tough part is pretty amazing, adventurous & full of surprises. Every step you take determines the rest of your journey. The tough part usually comprises of slippery slopes, dreadful stairs, or something not experienced before all those thrills that give a sense of achievement after completing it. It is not always about the external factors like the path you walk, but sometimes its small battles in your mind. The tough path does test you alot, whether stepping up or stepping down you have to be sure about your next step if you are not then things can take an ugly turn. This is the beauty of the tough phase, there is always uncertainty about the next step, but everyone is certain that they have to make one. So if some unfortunate incident happens with you, suddenly every nerve in your body will worry about that problem & will forget surroundings in a fraction of seconds. The same surroundings which looked beautiful as heaven becomes bleak & the focus shifts from surroundings to that incident. We keep on thinking about it till we are comfortable with the fact that something has happened with us & completely ignore nature. In other words, we think more about the internal factors than the outer once & internal factors can change about how we look outer things.

So, a hike is like a summary of life unpredictable, unreliable & seems to be in control but not really is. A hike perfectly depicts, how things are during the various stages of life & how it affects your perspective. Read more about my travel stories here

Lesser-Known TV Series That Are Worth Watching

It is a perfect time to catch on some of the lesser-known TV series which are worth watching somehow it missed the radar of a lot of people because of the unavailability of the internet or lack of promotion. However, that doesn’t mean they are less than the other best TV series. These TV shows will completely patronize you, emotionalize you, & can tickle every emotion there is in your senses. These TV shows are amazing, to say the least, some of you must have watched it. In case, you have not heard about these names, fasten your seatbelts, you will in for a ride. For the record, I have not seen every TV series ever produced. However, I have watched a few & I believe these TV shows are worth a shot. So, here are lesser-known TV series that are worth watching.

The Wire:

A DEA team is set up in Baltimore to capture drug traffickers. The story seems to be simple, but it contains all the drama. The difficulty in finding loose ends & to decode practices is thrilling to watch. I have never seen any TV series which build side characters as much as this has built. The story is fantastically written & one can experience the fabulous acting of Idris Elba. Even after the season ends, you will feel to know about the characters more. You are so much engrossed in the characters that you want to live their life.

The Wire


Chernobyl had an accident in a nuclear reactor that resulted in the death of few people as per Russian Govt records. However, this was a cover-up story. As per unofficial records, the accident was massive & it resulted in the death of thousands & there is no counting as such. This series will take you through the horrifying journey of accident & its after-effects. Chernobyl is considered as the worst nuclear disaster in human history. The story is intriguing & exciting & hard to put down once started. This also symbolizes the downfall of the soviet union.


The Office:

A satirical comedy will tickle every bone in your body. The storyline is very simple but the punches are simply awesome. The setup is of the office where a bunch of people works, the story revolves around each one of them & in parts will cover their personal life. Each character lives in his own & bring joy to the existing scenes. The madness of this office will have a lasting impact on you.

The office
The Office: An American Workplace (NBC) season 1 Spring 2005 Shown: B.J. Novak (as Ryan Howard), John Krasinski (as Jim Halpert), Jenna Fischer (as Pam Beesley), Rainn Wilson (as Dwight Schrute), Steve Carell (as Michael Scott)


A time-traveling concept is mind-bending & exciting at the same well. There is hardly any time travel story that will glue you to the screen. The dark is a german TV series that is on high ranks. The story is pretty complex to explain. A child vanishes & his father starts to look for the clues. The story takes a turn when he realizes his son is his friend’s husband. The shocking plot will take you to much farther than this for more you will have to watch this series. The storytelling is great & also fantastic plot makes it worth a watch.


Wild Wild Country:

Osho was a cult guru in his time. His story is somehow hidden to this world. Some unfortunate incidents force him to abandon India & move to the USA. However, this is not all, his followers are madly devoted to him & one of those followers is Maa Sheela. Wild Wild Country is an epic disaster tale of a cult. The whole group moves to a ranch & how things take a downturn is mentioned in the series. The high flier of this series apart from the storyline is music. A wonderful journey inside the religious practices & what makes them so successful.

Wild Wild Country

Band of Brothers:

Band of brothers is a mini-series created by Tom Hanks & Steven Speilberg. The mini-series is based on the novel & interviews of the easy company; a company that was posted on the European front during the time of world war II. The story covers their journey after they are dropped in the war zone. Tarrifficly shot & great storytelling make this a must-watch series. The drama will capitulate you with emotions & thrill of war.

Band of Brothers TV Series

These are some of the TV series that is not hyped enough but are worth the shot. Watch these at right now & feel free to share it with your friends in need. Don’t let this quarantine time make them feel sad & bored, do your part. The best place to find these TV series are Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar.

Bitcoin New Money or Not?

The currency is one mode of exchange that has changed throughout the time, from grains to coins, to paper & latest to digital. Currency has always looked to keep up with the pace of the world. The more efficient the money system, the easier it is to transact that eventually helps one to become rich. Having an agreed mode of transaction, played an important role in globalization. It not only changed how we transacted between the countries but also opened new avenues like remittance, credits, etc. But, the financial system was about to be changed forever. This change was not from any government or banks but by a single person or group of people with the introduction of Bitcoin (a digital currency).

Bitcoin Mark My adventure
Bitcoin came into the picture after the meltdown of 2008. The reason for its introduction was primarily the banks. Banks who thought they are the supreme power & can make or break government, change things or, in simple words, can rule the world. By having a centralized entity to look after your valuable is a norm in the current scenario. But, after seeing, that very central entity is corrupt & gullible. It was a necessity to search for alternatives & that alternative was introduced to the world by Satoshi Nakamoto, with the introduction of Bitcoin.

Please note that I am a nontech guy & hardly know the technical aspects of it. But, reading about different topics hooked me to bitcoin & the rise I saw from Dec 2017 to Jan 2018 made me curious about this technology which led me to read all about it. I still feel the if you want to learn about this topic you should listen to only Andreas Antonopoulos, bitcoin Jesus according to me.

What Is Bitcoin?

In layman terms, Bitcoin is the internet of money that can be transferred to others over the internet (just like email) without any intermediaries. Also, this is not owned by any bank, government or corporation.


There is no central entity overlooking or controlling the prices of 1 bitcoins. Thus, No One actually controls it & it is not possible to inflate or deflate the value of one bitcoin. Several nodes spread across the globe are working across the clock are verifying the transaction. Thus making is truly decentralized.


Every scarce thing is valuable hence Gold is considered an important commodity till date. Bitcoin’s total supply is limited to 21 Million & there will be no more or less than the mentioned supply. The 21 million bitcoin will be mined through the time with 1st bitcoin mined in the year 2008. it is estimated that the last bitcoin will be mined in the year 2140. As there is a limited supply it is scarce.


In the current provision, every bitcoin can be expanded to 8 digits from the decimal. Each least one is referred to as a satoshi. So, if you are sending 0.00000001 BTC, it is equivalent to 1 satoshi. However, there is an option to increase the divisibility but that is too far from the current position.

Transaction Time:

Usually, to transfer an amount across borders takes days to reach the receiver. Bitcoin transactions are confirmed on average 10 mins & hence it is super quick. Recently introduced lighting network is trying to reduce the time further. Also, transaction charges are less than 1% which is currently 3 to 5 %.

Intrinsic Value:

The funny thing about the intrinsic value is, it is derived if someone else can derive the value from it. Like Gold, like fiat, the currencies that are mutually agreed on.

How to buy Bitcoin?

There are many ways through which one can own a bitcoin, exchanges like WazirX (India), Binance (world), Kucoin (world), Coinbase (world) etc are few of the existing pool of exchanges doing well.

Another method is through mining, mining is a process through which a computer solves problem & if authentic wins a few bitcoins. The reward is halved every 4 years. Currently, a miner wins 12.5 Bitcoin for solving one problem, the interesting part is rewarding will be reduced to half i.e to 6.25 this year (2020).

This is a layman guide to Bitcoin. This doesn’t cover any technical terms like blockchain, public & private keys, hash rates, & many more. However, a brief about why this is important. If interested in this technology read these books from amazon for the in-depth knowledge of the topic. On the other hand, if you are still not able to fathom why this is critical to you. Please spare a few minutes to read Currency wars by James Rickards & you will be amazed with the things you will find out.

Things To Do During Self- Quarantine

It is not often that we are faced with something as massive as this, a point when everyone in the world is worried about one thing only that is stopping the flow of this new virus. Covid 19 is taking a horrendous turn & the hour demands to stop this pandemic. As of now, the best solution everyone came up with is self-isolation. Self-isolation is defined as a practice to keep your self at a safer distance from another human being. People are practicing this by staying at home & avoiding non-essential traveling. However, considering we are so much connected with the world through social media, distancing oneself from the most lured thing in the world is pretty much impossible. The news like an increase in the number of divorces in China due to home quarantine is surfacing all over the world. Is it that tough to stay indoors & spend some time with our selves? This made me write this article. I feel these things will help you a lot in self-isolation.


Books are the best friend of humankind, which is rightly so. Books have the ability to transport you to some other plane & it also encourages you to think differently. All the top people in the world have vouched for this. As per the data, the richest persons in the world are the most educated ones. Everyone wants to read the books, but because of lack of time, they are never able to start. So, this is a perfect time to resume what you have left.

Read Books Mark My Adventure

Play Station:

Video games has a different fan following altogether. When games like PUBG, Fortnight, etc are growing like tsunamis & with e-sport regularly organizing gaming events, the gaming industry has never been in a better place. Also, Go Pokemon shows how VR will change the coming years for the better. So, scratch your gaming itch by buying the latest play stations & conquer the virtual world.

PS4 Mark My Adventure

Musical Instruments:

Music touches those nerves, which can’t be touched otherwise. It requires patience, dedication, & hours of practice. This was possible only in school & college but now is the time to restart what was left. While, at home with access to unlimited content & free classes, this could be the trigger point to start again & practice it again. So, pick up an old instrument & start practicing. This will not only calm your mind but will also sharpen it.

Learn Guitar

Online Courses:

In the place like India where the competition is cut-throat in the literal sense, this forces you to upgrade your skills with the current practices. With online courses growing continuously, this could be the perfect time to learn a few new skills or upgrade the existing ones. Coursera is one of the biggest platforms to learn new things from the experts. Not so-called experts but the professor who teaches in ivy league colleges. So, a good time to brush up some of your skills.

Online Courses Mark My Adventure


Yoga not new to the world. This art is highly popular among all the age groups. There is an unlimited health benefit to Yoga & slowly but surely this is rising among every age group. Rishikesh in India is known as Yoga Capital of World. However, traveling all the far to Rishikesh is not possible at this time. But, the benefits of the same can still be availed by sitting at home. There are many channels on youtube that teach you yoga at home. Not just youtube, an app like cultfit will also help you to be fit while staying at home.

Yoga At Home


All the above points are for the people who love to do those things. Not necessarily every one of us is having a hobby. A hobby is not something that every one of us develops. But, it should be developed. It will keep you active & happy & also provide a much important purpose in life. It is time to introspect yourself & find those hidden interests which once made you smile, an activity that you wanted to pursue against all the odds of success. It is often said there no best time than now, & precisely this is the time to form some new hobbies for your older self.


Here are the best things that you can do while self-quarantine at home. Don’t be afraid to try something new & exciting. There is an opportunity in tough times. Rather than wasting it doing nonessential things, choose essential things. I hope this will help you to figure out your true self.

Where Is God – Part II

After an unsuccessful meeting with a one-sided love with Alizeh, Ayan is crying his heart out & then at the moment he meets, Saba, a widowed woman. Soon, after this, they fall in love & Ayan moved on from his previous relationship, or this is how he thought. Eventually moving back to his previous relationship, during the course of time. This is a scene from a popular movie in India. I also felt the same during one of my visits, but major ingredients missing like a good looking widowed woman & me being, extremely handsome.

Love is the most painful of the emotions among the all that we experience. But still we fancy being in love. The reason for that is the feeling that compliments love. Love will make you complete, happy, out of this world & every other emotion that is written, shown & explained in books, movies & poetry. It really does bring the best out of you. But, falling in love comes with sacrifices & compromises which anyone hardly takes into the account, but this is for later.

Coming from a middle-class background & with an inbuilt ambition to achieve something great in life. It is always difficult to balance things & also which part is important in life & which is not. Love is in a grey area for me. I want to have it, but I don’t want to have it also. But, teenage is a place where the blood is boiling hard & you don’t want to listen to anyone’s thoughts. In the midst of uncertainty, I jumped in the boat of love. To start with, the girl used to stay in a different city from where I stayed. So, it was going to be a long-distance for the longest time possible. But, who thinks like this, once in love, you can climb mountains, move air & can do all kinds of superhero stuff.

But, falling in love is not a hard thing to do, staying in love is tough. As love is not one-way street, it requires efforts from both individuals. Having a long-distance is tough. But, the tougher is the time to plan meetings. Now, people will say, what is so difficult in planning a meeting. So, the crux is, it is if the other person behaves as per her comfort. A year consists of 12 months, 365 days; eventually. Ideally, people plan a meeting each month. But, in my case, I restricted meeting to once in a quarter. But, the funny part is whenever I planned for a meeting, it was ruined by some factor or the other & my success rate of the meeting was around 20 to 25% of all the planned meetings. I was loyal, caring, attentive in the relationship; so why God didn’t allow me smooth sailing. For once it is ok, but canceling of plans consecutively for 3 or 4 times, rips your heart apart & you start wondering what have you done that you have been treated in such a way.

Here are the few of many times, I have been ditched at the last moment.

At one time, I booked tickets good 2 months before my traveling date. I informed her, that I will be there on that particular date & guess what, she got typhoid that week & I had to cancel my tickets at the last moment. This was among the first, last moment ditches I received.

Another time, like the previous time I booked the tickets in advance & informed her I will be there. But, as usual, God lightning struck again. This time her parents planned to visit out of India during those days. I used to wonder how come there is always something or the other to ruin my plans. How rare are the chances that people make plans on the same dates from the whole year? Is it some time coincidence or something else. But, I tried to get this over my head thinking it may be some coincidence or maybe pure bad luck.

So, like a warrior, I tried again, this time I booked my tickets a week before the meeting. Thinking all is planned & now no more rejections. But, every time I feel I am acting smartly I am beaten more badly. This time just before boarding my flight. I got a call & the voice from the other side said, “I am having anxiety attacks, don’t come.” I had packed my stuff & was about to leave & then this came. It was shattering to hear that sentence. So, again I looked to the sky & wondered, if is it for real or I am being dumb, or is it you playing all these games. What have I done that I have to be treated like this?

This was not all, there were many instances where I felt helpless & vulnerable & questioned myself for being in a relationship. Why is it so hard to get the same respect that you offer to someone else. But, this is how life is; it is not meant to be fair. For some, it will be a smooth ride & for some, it will be walking on thick muddy sand with kgs of weight tied to your ankle (tough & bruising). At this point, when you are lost in life, you hope for some help or some miracle. This is the point, where you can do anything to get help from God.

This was not all, there were many instances where I felt helpless & vulnerable & questioned myself for being in a relationship. Why is it so hard to get the same respect that you offer to someone else. But, this is how life is; it is not meant to be fair. For some, it will be a smooth ride & for some, it will be walking on thick muddy sand with kgs of weight tied to your ankle (tough & bruising). At this point, when you are lost in life, you hope for some help or some miracle. This is the point, where you can do anything to get help from God.

So, why one keeps on trying in love even after falling for an infinite number of times. The reason is within us, love gives us joy & the way we react is the main reason why we want to be in love. Anyway, after experiencing numerous failures, I prayed to God for something better or maybe to pull me out of this rug. It is situations of difficulty which bends you towards God. A supreme power which is meant to help you or so the world say. So, with tears in the eye & all hope lost I prayed to God for some opening or some bright light. As it must have happened with so many of you. I heard nothing. Absolute nothing.

Anyone who feels that God is there should talk to people who have fought through depression or are depressed. You want to hold on to that single thread of hope, but it is not so easy to overcome such dreaded position. Even after failing miserably previous times you wish to find the one & in today’s world, finding the one is as simple as swiping right. But, I must have been something else, as I hardly matched with anyone. The place where everyone is getting is something I am left stranded alone. Is it me who is the problem or there is something else.

When nothing is going well in life, your love life is next to null there is not much to hope for & I wonder if he is even there or it’s just creativity of our mind. You pleaded, shown aggression, done all sorts of a tantrum, but in reply, you only get a thunderous NO. It is tough to see why your voice is not being heard..

Sitting dejected around the corner you see a couple holding the hands & exchanging cute gestures & in that moment you wonder what had hit you so hard in your love life that you are deprived of all the lovy dovy things & suddenly a eureka struck my mind. That it is there & you have to find it. You have indeed failed zillion times, done & dusted another millions of times; still, there is hope. Some people have done the unexpected in love, people have traveled oceans to make someone special. Maybe it is not in your life but it is there. There is some power which gives you the strength to cross all the borders, limitations & give you the power to think impossible. This little sentence is enough to confirm there is some power entity above you. Not everyone is made equal & everyone receives the same love & affection. But, the hope that you can also get it is the biggest gift humans can ask for. This HOPE of finding something better, who values you & your thoughts is an undying one & this is where God lies. Nobody will be alive forever, but hope will travel far from your vision & this hope is where God stays that even after losing for zillions time you wait for that one victory.

Check out the previous version here. Where Is God – Part I

Where Is the God -1

Best Books I Read In 2019

I have read 24 books in the year 2019 & I believe these books are the best books of 2019, out of all the books I have read. You can check my complete list here. Book reading is an essential part of today’s life. So, read often & read effectively to win in life. So, without wasting any more time, lets dive into the list.

Life’s Amazing Secrets

Having trouble in your life. This philosophical book about life is amazing & will clear your life concepts. The book is written by a guru Gopal Gaur Das. His videos are popular on youtube & most of his views can be learned from there only. However, this book is written fantastically & will clear your mind. So, I would recommend buying this book, just to have access to it all the time. There are many gems in this book that will help you to maneuver your life during tough times.

Tuesday’s With Morrie:

Another book that talks about life. This is a book about a dying man & his student, who comes together for the one last time to record his thoughts. The student asks about the questions related to various topics, like life, love, relationships, money, religion, etc. These topics touch everyone in some way or the other. A very short book that can be completed in a day. But, it contains lots of great ideas & some new aspects of the daily situation.

Money Master The Game:

How to live a life is one aspect of life & how to make money is a completely different one. This book by Tony Robbins is an eye-opener about money. The money is hard to earn, but it is doable & if one follows certain steps & stick to the rules, they can make it big. This book will teach you about the game that is not taught in schools or colleges but is the most important aspect of one’s life. With money, life becomes smooth & fulfilling. So, reading this book becomes a must, as if you don’t know the rules you can’t beat it.


Principle is a book by a hedge fund manager & how he lived his life. After creating a successful company, he wanted to continue it. But, how could he ensure, same productivity & same problem-solving process? So, with all his experience & support of his team, he wrote down a list of principles that should be followed by the company in the future. This list was highly appreciated by people not in the company but by outsiders as well. This encouraged him to publish the book on the same topic & this is how principle came into the picture. A great book to read that will help you to figure out ways to deal with difficult problems.


It is tough to come from a family, where a father feels getting an education is against the norms of Christianity. But, 3 people from that family self-taught themselves to become Ph.D. holders. How this becomes possible? Read about their story in this book & in particular about a girl who had written this book. After completing the book, you will be shaken by the journey she took. A great read & an inspiring story about a person with a strong will. A must-read book.

Apart from these, there are many more books which are worth mentioning these are Bad Blood ( a story of a startup that tried to fake it till make it; a page-turner), Animal Farm (a sarcastic take on politics which is relevant in today’s scenario as well), HBR 10 Must-Read on Analytics, AI & More (a great book on how technology will shape your world in coming future). You can check all the list of the books I read in 2019 here.

Traveling for more than just a relaxing vacation

There is a reason certain places are well-know and travelled for all the stereotypes surrounding them. Paris is the city of love and, even though plenty of tourists who went there kept being adamant about how there are plenty of better cities and towns to visit in France, people still travel to see the Eiffel Tower and experience the atmosphere. When you think of London that way, the Big Ben, red double-deckers, and the London Eye (or the Millennium Wheel) immediately pop to your mind. China is all about that Great Wall, Germany is for beer and sausages and Africa is synonymous with safari. Of course, all of those are great exaggerations and, to some, maybe even insulting stereotypes yet we can’t help but think that way. It’s like when you decide to play any of many interesting sex games – you already know what to expect. However, nothing is set in stone and things are always far more complicated than that. In other words, every tourist place and location offers much more variety than just their most recognizable landmarks and features. With that being said, if you’re looking for a region to travel on planet Earth that offers pure fun and enjoyment in every shape and form there is, then you can’t go wrong with Thailand and surrounding countries.

First things first, you can expect all the “usual” stuff when it comes to a country like this. Numerous sunny beaches with hot and playful girls in skimpy bikinis, spicy and exotic food that will stimulate your senses in ways you’ve never before thought possible, nightlife with different kinds of bars, clubs, parlors, etc. Thailand, Taiwan, or the Philippines might not be world-wide know for this but plenty of young people from all over the world trvel to these places to discover themselves. That means plenty of hot, young chicks and guys from the USA and countries all over Europe getting together for one simple quest which is to enjoy life to the fullest. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Hot sun, sea, booze, night clubs… how is it different from any other beach in the world? Well, until you’ve actually experienced it, words can’t come close describing the adventure that awaits you and, well, you can get much more of the adult pleasure if you catch my drift. To put it simply, New York has The Statue of Liberty, and Thailand has its nightlife and adult pleasures. They offer so much freedom and entertainment to those energetic enough and willing to partake that you’ll quickly forget those famous all over the rest of the world. Even the most persistent minds will go blank once all those nude Snapchat pics of local chicks they’ve met start popping in their phones.

Apart from everyone everywhere being much more open, certain places make a business out of providing various degrees of adult pleasure. There are go go bars where you can sit down and have a drink while watching breathtaking babes dancing on the stage. Some bars have chicks in bikinis, while others have them completely naked for your viewing pleasure. Of course, the fun doesn’t stop there because, if you’re lucky enough and have money to spend, you can end up hiring a babe to go down and dirty with you. You can even bargain for a better price and if that just screams fun. Another important thing to note is that all of the girls out there are doing this willingly because some prefer making money that way and others simply want to have fun. If some chick really likes you, you might even end up getting some for free because, why not?

Bangkok Travel Guide Mark My Adventure
In addition to dancing bars, there are already mentioned night clubs. What’s important to keep in mind with those places is that they are packed with so many hotties you actually need to pay attention to whether some girls are “working” or just having fun the same way you do. And when I say “fun” I mean something much more in person than playing sex games for android.

Naturally, if you’re looking for every way possible to enjoy Thailand, you would do yourself a favor if you went and had one of those special massages. You know what I’m talking about. Even more explicit than that, there are actually blowjob bars where you can simply go and get one with your drink. And there are always street girls and escorts for those looking for instant pleasure.

Travel Resources:

Below are the few resources you should check before making an itinerary.

Cheap Internation Flights: Best place to find cheap international flight tickets.

Best Deals On Hotels: Places to find best deals on hotels.

Amazon: Best place for all your needs. Also, find best travel accessories.

Agoda: Best place to book hotels of your liking. Agoda provides the best solution & great offer while booking a hotel.

Skyscanner: Skyscanner compares various sites & sort the flights based on the rates. A great way to check flight cost. Although the only drawback is that rates are flexible. Hence, the cost might change while you are making the payment.

Jetradar: Jetradar is a comparing site which is just like Skyscanner. But, is much more accurate & much more handy in use.

Booking: Best place to book hostel rooms. There are plenty of options available & with so many properties booking becomes much easier.

Couchsurfing: Best place to find free accommodation. It is as easy as filtering people & messaging. If you will get lucky you will find free accommodation in local resident house.

Club Mahindra: One of the best resort chains in India.

Travel Insurance: There are numerous options available to get one. So, you can choose anything which suits your requirement. Make sure you read the terms & conditions before buying one.