Why one want to read. This can be explained in simple words quoted by Tyrion lannister (People who watch Games of Thrones can relate to this)
“My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer and I have my mind...and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge. That's why I read so much Jon Snow.”
The Gifts of Imperfection
Genre: Self-improvementThe Gifts of imperfection is a book by Brene Brown, who shot to fame with her ted talk on vulnerability. She is well known & her words are cohesive. This book is about self-improvement & how certain things are hindering our progress. This short book is an eye-opener & will allow one to appreciate flaws & work on them. This book consists of 9 guideposts as well that talk about the guidepost one should have in life. The things that should be avoided to stay healthy & happy. A good book to read during holidays & especially if you are in mid 30's. This book can really set one up for the future. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Psychology Of Money
Genre: Wealth, PsychologyMany believe that generating wealth is about income & parental money. However, there is a pattern behind generating wealth. This book is about those patterns. Patterns that can help you to become wealthy. A book that will tell you about the psychology of a money holder & how they behave. There are so many lessons that one can relate to. The book covers examples from real life, a way by which one can connect with it. This book will shatter your perception about money & will encourage to change your lifestyle a bit to enjoy the freedom unimaginable till now. Grab Your Copy From Here
How To Fail At Almost Everything & Still Win Big
Genre: Self Help, PhilosophyScott Adams is a cartoonist & the brain behind Dilbert. He was an average person with an average success rate in various fields. He started his career as a management trainee program. But, his inclination was towards animation. Thus, he started working on his side hustle during the early hours of the morning. He successfully created Dilbert thereafter. It is one of the most-read comic strips in the world. This book depicts his experiences & what is his outlook towards different aspects of life like diet, health, happiness, money, etc. A lighthearted book to read & so many lessons to gulp. Grab Your Copy From Here
Genre: Self Help, PhilosophyAwareness is a book to help you live your life fully, the book is highly recommended & also among one of the most recommended books to read. The author covers various vanity's that block our minds in day to day life. The author covers topics like impression, label, happiness, awareness, sleeping, impression, etc, or the way how we perceive the world. This book will open your eyes & your mind, especially during this time of life where we are so engrossed with the world. We are connected to the world & never really get the time to introspect ourselves. Hence, this book is one of the resources that will help one to calm one down & look at the world from a different perspective. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Palace Of Illusions
Genre: Fiction, MythologyAn unraveling of the events from a point of view of Draupadi in the folktale "Mahabharat." Many books have depicted this masterpiece from different points of views, but none have shown the point of view of Draupadi. What it felt to be one of the factors of starting one of the most dreaded wars in the history of humankind. What it felt when a person tries to disrobe her in front of many wise men. What it felt face all the hardships while traveling through the forest & leaving behind luxury. A thought-provoking book that will make so much sense & will hard hit you. Grab Your Copy From Here
Basic Blockchains
Genre: Non Fiction, Blockchain, ScienceBlockchain might be witnessing a watershed moment in the year 2020 & knowing about this technology is more than essential. Just like the internet in 1990's; blockchain is at that position. It is here to disrupt most of the industries if not all. Bitcoin has already made a name for itself in the financial world. But, there is more to this technology. This book is a summary of the basics of blockchain. Everything you need to know about this technology & also what all industries will change in the near future. A fantastic way to understand the basics of blockchain. Grab Your Copy From Here
The E Myth Revisited:
Genre: Non Fiction, Thoughts, BusinessThe E Myth is a book about small businesses that vanishes within 5 years after the start of the operation & this figure is more than 80% which is astonishing. A person starts a company being a technician(a person who is good at building things) but this is not enough. To start a successful business, the person should be an entrepreneur (vision for the company) & manager (how to interconnect different stages of the business efficiently). Once a person can figure out the difference & work on it. He or she can move to the next step which is setting up of different processes that can help you to operate it without flaws & also replicate it anywhere. I think most of the lessons will be available online. However, if you want to get to specific examples can read this book. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Fountainhead
Genre: Non Fiction, ThoughtsFountainhead is the story of an architect who is too bored to design regular buildings. He wants to build something which has soul, attitude, the impression of its owner. But, this world is too cruel for his imaginations. Many people are jealous of his guts, thinking & lack of facade. Yet, few of the lot help him in bits to give wind to his wings & he somehow manages to fly. Read about the story of a boy who broke every rule & still flew high. How some people want him to fail & quit. Yet, a small warrior inside him gives him the strength to fight it out. Many philosophical lessons to be learned from this book & one of the classics to read. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Checklist Manifesto
Genre: Non Fiction, ThoughtsThere are many ways through which one can improve the efficiency of a process. The checklist manifesto is one such book that talks about ways to improve the process via a checklist. The checklist is an essential component in the machinery of work. The book talks about the ways through which one can make a perfect checklist, what are the characteristics of the checklist & how it will help. The book is a decent read although I found it dragging at some part of the lessons. I would have hoped that it will be crisp. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Future Is Faster Than You Think
Genre: Future, ThoughtsThe book is about the future environment, a place where things will be very highly tech-friendly & a time where VR & AI will shape the reality of the world. You can have a different version of yours online that will do whatever you want him or her to do. A life expectancy will be increased in the near future. Industries like finance, real estate, agriculture will all transformed to the good. So it is exciting times in human life, when things will rapidly change. As said by the author of this book, the future is not 50 years ahead it's just a decade away. In the coming decade, self-driving cars, AI, VR will all have a great say in your day to day life. Grab Your Copy From Here
How To Make Millions With Your Idea
Genre: Idea, ThoughtsIf you want to do something, you will eventually find a way to do it. This book is certainly about this line. The author will take you different industries & how one can transform it into his or her own advantage. Book has covered industries like telemarketing, sale, direct marketing, multi-level marketing, packaging, etc. So, if you are lost of ideas & looking for some fresh ideas, you can opt for this book. Also, the author has also written a special note, which captures the gist of the story which are basically sticky notes. Personally, I didn't like the book & felt most of the ideas can be learned online or through some blogs. Grab Your Copy From Here
Anything You Want
Genre: Non Fiction, Self helpAnything you want is a journey about a startup. The thought that encourages you to start something new which possibly can help millions of people if not millions then thousands. There are many milestones in the path to success, some may be good & some may be disheartening. But, the will to keep moving towards the goal is one of the things that push you to keep working towards the goal. So, this book is about that journey, the different thoughts that arise in mind & also how to make decisions. The lessons in the book are pretty simple & effective. Most of the time, the author speaks about his love for solving problems, which he liked more than anything else in the world. A great book to read & learn some valuable lessons. Grab Your Copy From Here
Bitcoin Billionaires
Genre: Non FictionYou can't have a million friends, without having few enemies. This line from Social Network refers to people, who filed a lawsuit against the founder of Facebook. The Winklevoss twins were on the other side of the table. But, how their life turns from out of court settlement is the background to the book. Bitcoin is a peer to peer payment system founded by a mysterious person, group or someone with great economic knowledge. This technology was in the nascent period, during 2013. The twins started buying this currency at a rapid speed & bought approx 1% of the total Bitcoin supply. How that pans out is the story of the book. This book will brief you about this new digital money or as Winklevoss called it Gold 2.0. A great book to know about first Bitcoin billionaires of the world. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Magic of Thinking Big
Genre: Selfhelp, MotivationThe Magic of Thinking Big is a book about positivity the most essential ingredient of life. So often we are bogged down by the obstacles & life problems. All the obstacles make us weak & negative. But, this book is here to teach you about the positivity. How a positive mindset can change your destiny. There are some steps that need to be followed. From being to dress well, thinking positively, how to behave with other people, etc all adding to your personality. The book also takes a leaf from books like The Power of Subconscious Mind which also captures the core competency of being positive & talks about goals, dreams, etc. A good book to read & implement in your daily lives. Grab Your Copy From Here
Hard Thing About Hard Things
Genre: BusinessStarting a company is a rollercoaster ride & full of struggle & this is probably only one common thing that will unite all the entrepreneurs. This book is by Ben Horowitz who shares his story during creating a company. Every day he faced challenges & every day he tried to overcome them. There are many aspects in leading a company & it is surely not for faint-hearted. He shared his experience about different nodes like work culture, hiring, firing, team buiding, etc. This is not the playbook but the guide to help you figure out your path. The book is mainly about the entrepreneur style & not everyone can relate to this. So, read if you are creating one & you can ignore if the storyline doesn't entice you enough. Grab Your Copy From Here
High Output Management
Genre: BusinessHigh output management is a book about managerial skills that should be developed by each & every manager. Managers require a particular set of traits that will encourage not only them but the team as well. This book is written by Andrew Grove; a former CEO of the Intel group. He changed the market of a superconductor with its knowledge & practices. He explains the need for different methods that will change the output of a company. If output can be changed so the revenue & indirectly industries. A great playbook for managers. But, this book is not for everyone. It is very technical & challenging to read. Even if you are not looking for any gain from this book. Atleast read the first chapter, the breakfast factory problem. This will make you think differently & eventually can change your thought process. Grab Your Copy From Here
Trillion Dollar Coach
Genre: Business, Self helpA life without a guiding light is dark same goes for the companies. You need someone who can be unbiased & think about the company out of the lot. Trillion-dollar coach is one such book that shows the importance of a coach. This book is about the lessons taught by a football coach who later joined multi-billion dollar companies. Not only did he joined, but he also made a difference in a big way. Book is all about his way of treating people & what great lessons that can be learned from him. People working in higher management shall read this book for sure. There are many great lessons to be learned. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Space Barons
Genre: Future, ScienceSpace is probably the last frontier for humans. At least this was true till a few years back. But, with billionaires jumping on this highly unexplored bandwagon. Space has got a bit interesting. Elon Musk with Space X, Jeff Bezos with Blue Origin, Richard Branson with Virgin Galactic. The mission is sound & clear; to take humans to space in the next decades. The story of how it all started & what made only a few to think about it is the starting point of the book. The book covers the current status of space exploration & also what can we expect. Grab Your Copy From Here
Genre: AutobiographyEducated is a book by a girl who had not stepped in any formal education till the age of 16 years & still manage to hold Ph.D. a decade later. The book is about her journey, how she managed to break the shackles of her parents who were a believer, that an education system is against the will of God. She has 7 siblings including her out of which 3 are Ph.D. holders & 4 barely completed high school. The writing is gripping & even after finishing the book you will be inside the story. Probably one of the modern classics of the modern world. Grab Your Copy From Here
People, Power & Profit
Genre: EconomicsPeople power & profits are the three pillar which is directly responsible for the state of an economy. If there is no balance between all these pillars then you might topple. This book is written by a winner of noble price & he has used some harsh words in this book. The book will capture all the major factors & how it is affecting the lives of millions of people. At this moment, the economy of world superpower (America) is in danger & one must step up & take some steps to help revive the economy else it will be left too much for the end. Every economist should read this book & take some corrective measure in their respective countries to survive this period. Grab Your Copy From Here
Bird By Bird
Genre: Self-Help, WritingBird By Bird is a book by Anne Lamott. She talks about the journey of a writer through various phases until the book is published & also about the challenges one faces during the knitting of a book. She takes liberty in talking about her self during various stages of writing. She is not afraid to share darkest of secrets in this book. Further, if you are looking for a career in writing then this book is a gem. She will talk about all those things which are not covered in the shadow of fame. A wonderful book to learn so much about life & writing. You can also check her YouTube video. Grab Your Copy From Here
Millionaire Success Habits
Genre: Finance, WealthYou become a person you think. For thinking you need to develop a mindset & for developing the mindset you need habits. So, habits becoming the building blocks for your life. If you have always thought that millionaire lives irrational lives. You might be wrong, self-millionaires follow certain steps to stay where they are. They follow a few principles which keep them afloat during the difficult times. It all seems easy from the outside, however, it is not. You have to follow few steps which will help you attain this pinnacle & this book talks about those principles. If you have an urge to become a millionaire. This book will/might help you. Grab Your Copy From Here
Genre: Finance, WealthPrinciples is a book written by Ray Dalio, a famous hedge fund manager. This book can probably be considered as his way of living & these vary principles helped him to achieve the best of his ability. He wanted to create a legacy but he was unable to find his replacement. He thought of framing a process which helped him to make important decisions. So, he started writing principles for the company & as expected this soon became most read articles which finally resulted in the book. The book cover principles of life & work which I believe is a plethora of wisdom. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Compound Effect
Genre: Finance, WealthThe compound effect talks about the small things which eventually rise to such heights which is hard to reach via normal growth. The power of the compound is very well known in the financial field. But, it is still being explored in other aspects of life. Read this book to understand how small habits can influence your life in a magnified way, which most of us choose to ignore. A decent book to read especially if you want to restart your life from the zero. Grab Your Copy From Here
Money Master The Game
Genre: Finance, WealthThe book is about managing your money, growing & using it efficiently. If money management is not your strongest suit then read this book at the earliest. Money management is one topic which is not taught in schools, which is a shame. This book handover principle which a common person shall incorporate in its life to live a decent life. It doesn't matter if you are not earning big. But, if you manage it efficiently you can grow it big. So, reading this book is essential & probably one of the top books to read about finances. Grab Your Copy From Here
Digital Gold
Genre: Finance, ScienceDigital Gold is a book about the history of Bitcoin. Yeah!! Bitcoin which was meant to be dead after spine breaking down of 80% from its peak price. Digital Gold is a book about its history & the people involved to make it mainstream. A great story to read in fact, quite fascinating to read sea saw the journey of this volatile asset. If you are looking for used cases you will be disappointed but there is another book Block Revolution which will solve your this purpose. I liked this book as this covers the initial struggle of bitcoin & how the community overcame it. A great book to read. Grab Your Copy From Here
The Inevitable
Genre: Science, FutureThe Inevitable is written by the founder editor of magazine Wired. Wired deals with the technologies, science & upcoming trends. The author covers the burning topics of the current world. How few companies manage to change the lives of millions. The book covers topics like sharing, intelligence, remixing, flowing, accessing etc. If you are looking to read something new or exciting; you will be disappointed somewhat. After the end of every chapter, the author tries to imagine the future with the explanation made in the chapter. Apart from this, the book is mostly a case study of current companies who are ruling the world. Grab Your Copy From Here
HBR 10 Must Read on AI, Analytics & Machine Age
Genre: Business, FutureThis book has wonderful articles on the latest buzzing technologies & if you are not aware of how these technologies functions. Read these crisp short articles, whose intention is to get you aligned with the technology. These articles are posted as the best articles to read by Harvard Business Review. The book covers articles on the topics like Hub economy, AI, augmented reality, marketing in the time of Alexa, drones, 3 D printing etc. All these new technologies are poised for the growth & reading about them can help you gain some momentum in your career or business. So,.Grab Your Copy From Here
The Industries of The Future
Genre: Business, FutureThe Industries of the future is a book by Alec Ross. The author intention is to predict what the future will be for the human race. With the rise of the internet, robots & deep learning. What is the fate of humans? The author covers various topics like robots, genetics, cryptocurrency, cyberwar etc & what is the probable outcome of all the transforms. There is a chapter about the future market which is a must read to know about future growth.Grab Your Copy From Here
Bad Blood
Genre: BusinessBad Blood is a book about Theranos a company which promised to ease your blood test bills. A company which promised to test 200 odd diseases by using only a few drops of blood. Sound too good to be true. Many people believed in this vision, but soon they will realize the empire was built on the foundation of lies. A terrific book & gripping writing makes this book must read. The book will take you to the deepest & darkest corner of silicon valley. Grab Your Copy From Here
Built To Last
Genre: BusinessThis book is about building great companies. Some companies are good & some are best. This book is a framework to build one of those greatest companies. The author studied various companies which are one of the greatest of all times. There are few traits that each one of them follows & author has mentioned the same with examples in the book. The study done by the authors is good to read & surely an eye-opener. A great book to read for anyone who has already built the company & want to make it great. Grab Your Copy From Here
Steve Jobs
Genre: BiographyWalter Isacsson takes pride in writing about people who are marvelous in their field. He likes to dissect the life of superhumans & he does it fantastically well. Steve Jobs biography turned many heads in the technology field & why wouldn't it; as he was one of the prime factors for innovation. This book should be read by anyone who is looking to learn how he used to think & why he was so different. The author has not left any stone unturned. He explained his life as if he is living it. Read this book if you want to have a little glimpse of his much celebrated flamboyant lifestyle. A true genius, a true legend & a true innovator. Grab Your Copy From Here.
Atomic Habits
Genre: Self Help, MotivationI listened to this book, Audible was recently launched in India & being a big fan of Amazon. I decided to try it for the first time. The first audiobook I chose Atomic Habits. The book is a product of notes written by the author in his personal blog. After receiving applause from the audience. He decided to write a book about habits. The author explains how the habits are formed & how to break one. The principles are pretty clean & easy to do. No guessing why this book received such a hype. A great book to learn about the principles of habit & why developing a habit matters. There are many points to be learned from this book. So, according to me, it's a buy. Grab your copy from here.
Genre: Auto biography, SportsOpen is an autobiography of the famous tennis star Andre Agassi, a winner of all the grand slams, in fact, 1st male tennis player to do so during his time. As the name suggests, the book intends to cover all the aspects of this legendary athlete. He has not censored anything related to his personal life & his habits. The book is more about how he coped with the losses than the wins. Although he hated the game, he still plays it. I was expecting more from the autobiography. If you want to learn how the life of great athletes are you can read this book. Grab your copy from here.
The 5 am Club
Genre: Self HelpThe book is written by the famous author Robin Sharma ; his book The man who sold his Ferrari is an international bestseller. The author doesn't need any introduction. The 5 am club is his latest book, the book is about elevating life by waking up early. There are many steps explained in the book by following which your life will elate at least this is what the author has promised. At some point, the author takes ages to explain the core concept which I feel is too dragging. If you are an avid reader of self-help book, you won't find anything new here. But, if anyone is new to reading this genre can read this book. Grab Your Copy From Here.
Tuesdays With Morrie
Genre: Inspirational, Self HelpTuesdays with Morrie is a conversation between a teacher who is in the last stages of his life & his student who is struggling in life. Before the teacher breath his last they decided to do one last project together; which is to record teachers input on various aspects of life. The teacher starts lessons on Tuesdays with life & then moving to love, wealth, death etc. Morrie who is the teacher has a very clear view on life & he explains it in a very simple way. A great book to read for anyone who is settled in life & moving towards the next stage in his or her life. Grab Your Copy From Here.
Life's Amazing Secrets
Genre: Self Help, MotivationEvery book wants to teach you something new & in an easy way. Life Amazing Secrets is one such book which will teach you to stay happy irrespective of the situation. The book is written by Gaur Gopal Das a monk. The book is the conversation held between the writer & one of his devotee. How the monk reveals the secrets of life with different situations & different examples are lessons for a lifetime. A great book to read & to keep with you. The book is short & sweet. Grab Your Copy From Here.
Blue Ocean Strategy
Genre: BusinessWhere people are copying each other's idea in open & the competition is rising each passing day. It is important to create new markets to stay ahead of the curve. The book blue ocean strategy is a framework to create an entirely new market where competition is not applicable. Composed of the real-life experiences of companies there are many great things to learn from the book. The book is divided into the three parts 1st will explain what is a blue ocean, 2nd part will teach you how to create blue ocean market & 3rd part will teach you the implementation of the process. A great book to read by every mid-management & upper management guys. Read & read this book often to create something sustainable & new. Grab Your Copy From Here
Blockchain Revolution
Genre: TechnologyBlockchain Revolution is a must read book before entering into the much-hyped new technology. A book to clear all basic facts about technology & why we should keep a close eye on its progress. The book covers all the relevant topic like what all can it impact, how can it impact our daily life & what are the challenges it is facing. Every aspect is explained in a detailed aspect. Hence, providing clarity to the readers. Will recommend this book for sure. Grab your copy from here.
Man's Search For Meaning
Genre: Self-Help, MotivationMan's Search For Meaning is thoughts arisen in the author's mind during concentration camp. How the author was able to keep his head high during all the hardships & torture. A collection of inspirational thoughts & his commentary behind the thinking transcend into Logotherapy. A popular therapy among the psychologist. There are many great instances in the book which will help you to dream & stay alive. A great book to read & learn new things. Grab your copy from here.
The Richest Man In Babylon
Genre: Self help, Psychology, FinanceStumbling on Happiness
Genre: Psychology, Self-Help
The Millionaire Mindset
Genre: Wealth, Personal GrowthLosing My Virginity
Genre: Autobiography, Business21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Genre: Future, General AwarenessOrigin Story
Genre: History, EarthLeonardo Da Vinci
Genre: BiographyThe Millionaire Next Door
Genre: Wealth

Genre: SocialFactfulness is the book suggested by the great Bill Gates on his blog. According to him this book is a must read. This fact was enough for me to order this book. The book is about the world & 10 topics which implies that world is getting better rather than other way round. Book has explained various ways to analyse a fact or a data to derive conclusions. This book will surely change the way you visualise the world. I liked the book & its surely a keeper. Grab your copy from here.

How To Stop Worrying & Start Living
Genre: Self Help, PsychologyThis book shoule be near you all the time, because of the points that are explained in this book. Everyone faces stressful situation & it would be great for a person if someone can help them to overcome such unfortunate events. For people who are facing difficult times this book can be light in the tunnel. There are many tips & tricks which one can use to overcome anxiety & stress. According to book stress is more dangerous than any other disease or adversity. The chapters are divided into many parts which cover different aspects of stress like why people take stress, how long it lasts & how to overcome it. The book has real life examples of people who overcame such adversity. I really liked the book & found it apt for every situation. A definite read & should be in your library. Grab your copy from here.
The Tipping Point
Genre: PsychologyThis is my second book of Malcolm Gladwell. I had previously read Outliers. Like the previous book, this book too studies the history of crime, suicides etc & try to correlate various factors. I had also read Freakonomics which is also somewhere in this line. I liked Freakonomics more than the the tipping point as it was much more interesting than this book. If anyone looking to read book from general psychology point of view then its great, other wise you can skip the book. I personally didn't liked the book that much. Grab your copy from here.
Genre: Psychology, EntrepreneurshipThe book is about creating habit of visitors to stay at your website for longer time. There are various examples explained in the book, which shows how important it is for the e commerce industry that people spend time on their website. There are various ways to create habits & the same concept has been explained through various chapters. I liked the The Power Of Habit more than the Hooked. The concept is virtually same, however explaination is bit different. Overall a decent read. But, anyone who has already read The power of habit can avoid this book. Grab your copy from here.

The War of Art
Genre: Self HelpThe book is all about breaking the resistance. The resistance can be anything from thinking to doing the things you want to do. So often mind is only keeping you away from doing something great & this book is explaining how to break the same. The book consists of small chapters which deal with the concept of resistance. There is nothing new in the book which is not available online. One can avoid reading this book. But, certainly not the concept explained in the book. Grab your copy here.

The Innovators Dilemma
Genre: Psychology, EntrepreneurThe book is a steady about companies dilemma. Why is it so hard for an already existing companies to deal with disruptive technology. Author tries to explain the concept of trying new things through some parameters which are very fresh & meaningful. The book covers industries like hard disk, excavation equipments for the analysis. Also,the definition of disruptive technology is very new. I would recommend reading this book. As this caters to the basic business understanding. Author tries to explain the concept only in few industries. However, the principle is applicable in most of the industries. Grab your copy from here.
Genre: Investment, Future
Cryptoassets is a book about cryptocurrencies. The book
covers the history, technology & progress of this new asset. There is nothing new in this book if one is following the news. However, for a person who is
new to this field can read this book. This book is much more technical compared to books I have read thus far in this field.
A decent read & I feel this is the only book in the market which covers cryptoassets in such a depth & anyone who is looking to
get the insight about the industry & its functionings should read this book. Grab your copy from here.
Rating: 4/5
Genre: Marketing
Linchpin is a book by marketing moghul Seth Godin. Prior to this I had read purple cow written by him. This book
is about few people who chose to become more than the rest. How they perform work compared to other is big take away from the book. Also,
some of the stuffs like why hope is stressful; why one is afraid to change. Some of the topics are known to us but nobody shared enough light on the same. It's a great book in patches & there is certainly something to learn. Grab your copy from here.
Rating 4/5
Shoe Dog
Genre: Inspiration, Biography
Shoe dog is a book by the founder of Nike (The sports brand). This is an autobiography & the author covered various aspects
really well. He translated his journey from inception till the time it was household name. The chapters are divided into the years
& each chapter consists of the details of the year. The journey of building Nike is worth a read & this book again showed
that nothing comes easy.
A definite read for those who are working in startups & want to make ripple effect in different industries. For me the standout part was the end
when the author remember his journey. It was an emotional ride that how much effort one puts in building things.
Grab your copy from here.
Rating: 4/5
Dropping Ashes on The Buddha
Genre: Inspiration, ComedyA funny book about Zen teaching. The book is about Seung Sahn a Zen monk who teaches his disciples about the permanent happiness. He discusses the steps needs to be taken while taking this journey. To be frank I was not able to relate to the topic. No matter how I hard tried to read all was going above my small mind. Never the less the book is suggested by some of the top executives. People can skip the book if not interested in Zen teaching.Grab your copy from here.
Rating: 3.5/5
Small Giants
Genre: Inspiration, Real LifeSmall giants is a book about the companies which are big not in headcount wise but revenue wise. The book has examples of the companies who chose to become great instead of good. These companies focuses on deliverying great product & staying ahead of the curve. The book is bifurcated in many chapters & in these chapters author explains how each companies behaved in the situation. It is a good read for those people who thinkgs being unicorn is only way ahead. This book will surely shatter this thought. A very rare book & surely a must read for people starting a new business. This will help them to focus on important issues. Grab your copy from here.
Rating: 4/5
Genre: SociologyOutlier is a book which discusses about the people who rises above the rest. A book which analyses the data & tries to figure out if there is anything which connects them all. The data & analogy is mind-blowing. However, it is not a very good approach if one is trying to build something unique. As somewhere one gets the feeling that outliers are the chosen one. Just because of this I am not a very big fan of this book. But, people who loves data can take out a leaf or two & learn some thing unique about data analysis. Grab your copy from here.
Rating: 3.5/5
Tools of Titans
Genre: Self Help, Motivation, WealthThe book is by Mr Tim Ferris. The author of "4 Hour Work Week". If the first book was about working remotely & live like a millionaire. This book is about the interviews of the most successful people of the world. The book is divided into three sections Health, Wise & Wealth. This is fantastic book for those who are looking to gain insight about the people who have succeeded. There is so much to do learn from this book. I would recommend reading this book. This book is also have the list of books that these icons read. Don't wait anymore. Grab your copy from here.
Rating: 4/5
Homo Deus
Genre: Future, ScienceThe book is in sucession to Sapiens. If Sapiens is a book about the past of human evolution then Homo Deus is future of human evolution. The book narrates about the time when people used to die either from the shortage of food, or plague or war. However, with the time humans are more likely to die from over eating. Also, the book support the fact that humans want to turn themselves into the Gods. New species like cyborg are the new form of evolution. This book is thrilling & exciting to read. Surely a keeper.
Rating: 5/5
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Genre: Self help, psychologyThis book is about getting things one want. The author covers important aspects of the life like health, wealth, spouse etc & how to be successful in these fields. The power of subconscious mind is mastered by only the few. This book is in line with "Think & Grow Rich". Lot to learn from this book if one is feeling incapable to succeed. A sure keeper.
Rating: 4.5/5
Animal Farm
A book by George Orwell is about an animal farm which is run by a Pig. The story of how power superseeds the vision is very well explained in this book. A short book which touches the dark points of the society. The book is bit on a saddistic side but one can expect the same from the writer of 1984 (A book on a concept of big boss). which also ends with tragedy.Lesson: Power can get over wibble minded person
Rating: 4/5
As strange the book name is the stranger the concepts in the book are. The vague view of the writer is unimaginable by majority of us. The writer relates two completely scenarios & compare them with there core. It all sounds absurd at the starting.But, once the conclusion is deduced all the things start making sense. For eg writer has compared School teacher with sumo wrestler. Again complete different things with same core. There are many more examples like this.I loved reading this book. Any one who wants to run their wild thoughts should read this book. Grab your copy from here.Rating: 4.5/5
The Intelligent Investor
The book is all about investment & it is written by the Benjamin Graham. For the people who don't know this guy. He is the mentor of the great investor Warren Buffet. So, any one who is looking for how to invest in stocks this book is a must read. However, the terminology used is not for layman. People who are investment field shall relate to this in a much better way. I was not able to understand half of the things because of technical terminologies. But, still there are few take aways from this book. Grab your copy from here.Rating 4/5
The book title is Influence The Psychology of Persuasion. It share 6 tips which are used by top companies to trick you into buying stuff you don't need. Some of the points are already known to the world. However, still there are many untouched points which are new to mind. Few concepts are explained perfectly. The art of scarcity, liking, reciprocation, commitment etc & how it persue us to make a decision are few of them. If one is working in marketing or sales field. This book is a gold dust. Grab your copy from hereRating: 4/5
The Panama Papers
The book has a starting line which is as follows “The biggest leak in the history of data journalism” by Edward Snowden. The same guy who sought a residence in Russia, away from USA for leaking secretive information. This book is more about how the biggest name in the countries are saving their property by routing it through shell companies. The data is so intriguing that it often raise a question on future of an individual who work with pure heart. Super rich are growing rich while rest of the people are struggling to make a living. An eye opening book for those who are interested in finding out how world is shaping up. Grab your copy from here.Rating: 4/5
The Effective Executive
The Effective Executive is a guide to getting right things done. The age old book is all about managing your time which is your only asset in long run. Author has shared tips & tricks to make effective decisions along with teaching about the priorities. Some of the aspects of the book is worth reading. A good book to read. I would recommed reading this book.There is something to learn for sure. Grab your copy from here.Rating 4/5
Digital Gold
Latest ripple in the world of internet. The cryptocurrencies are the things of the present. There is so much said about Bitcoin, that one is often determined to know everything about the same. This book explains everything about the digital gold. It's history, it's origin, its use & people involved in the process. Everything is beauitfully documented. A must read for curious minds. Grab your copy from here.Rating: 4.5/5
Purple Cow
The book by Seth Godin touches the marketing fundamentals superficially. The book is an average read. The concept adopted by different firms are explained. But, there is something always missing. Better to watch his you tube videos. If huge fan of Seth Godin then only buy this book. Else there are plenty of other options available.
Rating: 3.5/5
The Art Of Learning
The book is written by child prodigy Josh Waitzkin. He won chess tournaments & then shifted his attention to martial art. The book contains the techniques he uses to learn new activities. Some of the points like small circles, slow moment & soft zone are explained beautiful with examples & use. I read this at a very fast pace. It is worth a read. Grab your copy from here.Rating: 4.5/5
The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind
The author has mentioned 10 points which can help you to achieve your dreams & live a life you dream of. The author challenges traditional thinking & suggest to bend reality as per the situation & your condition. There is nothing in the world which can't be challenged. The book is a quick read. The best way would be to jot down points & re read it. A sure shot keeper.PS: The book is written by Mindvalley Owner. The author has ted talk & Impact Theory talk to back his success.If you don't have time to read the book do listen to his talks.
Rating: 4/5
Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind
The book is recommended by Bill Gates to everyone. If world richest person is suggesting something it is better to listen to them. The book is a window to the past of human race, a brief history of how it all started for humans. The book offers thorough infromation on the different things. A keeper for the sure. Go out there grab your copy & read it. One of the best books I have read so far in my life.Rating: 5/5

Shiva To Shankara:
A masterly written book. A glimpse to the life of a God who is wild & doesn't follow defined paths. Short stories behind Shiva is a wonderful read. Devdutt Pattnaik has perfectly captured the story of Shiva. This book is for those who are looking to know about him more closely. Several stories about his incranation are wonderful to read. I personally like Shiva's story a God who prefer intention over other things. A must read for those who love hindu mythology & this mysterious God.Rating: 4/5
Sita: Warrior Of Mithila
This is the second book of Ram Chandra Series. I expected a lot from this book. However, I found it average. This is no page turner. The regular twist & plotting is there.But, other then that there is nothing much to boast about. This is an ok read. If want to stay on path with Ram Chandra Series read this book else you can skip this.
Rating: 3.5/5
How To Win & Influence People
The book provides a great insight about how to treat different people & how to behave so that people will like you. There are 9 priniciples which one must follow to gain confidence of people. Some of the principles explained are appreciate others, be a good listener, talk about own mistake than others etc. Overall a good book.
Rating: 4/5
The Power Of Habit
The book covers the concept behind why you do things the way you do it. People wonder why they behave in a certain way. The reason is elaborated in the book. The concept of cue routine & rewards works in majority of cases. If one understands the concept of the book, he or she can change any habit. The book explains the concept with different stories & scenarios to ensure you get the concept. At times book get borings. However, for person interested in learning about pyschology of the humans. This is a must read book.
Rating: 4/5
The Lean Startup
The book is perfect roadmap to start a business. The methods adopted by Eric Ries are tried and tested. As per the book, everyone is an entrepreneur in one aspect or the other. It is better to launch a product than waiting for it to get flawless. Speed up the process of build measure & learn. This process not only increases the chances of success but also helps in learning about customers behavior. A nice read.
Rating: 4/5
The New Tsar
The book is about the life of an emperor of one of the world's most controversial countries. A story of an ordinary citizen, who single-handedly transformed the economics of a country. The story of a spy who became the most powerful person in a country. This book gives a brilliant view of how & why he behaves the way he does. An unknown story of a man, written in intrigue style makes this book irresistible. If you are a fan of this man you should read this book.
Rating: 4.5/5
The $100 Startup
The book is fantastic. This book is for everyone who thinks starting a business is tough. According to this book microbusinesses are thriving in this internet age. The opportunities are unlimited. It also shows how to start a business, what all things need to be kept in mind & how to grow it. Every theory is supported by real life examples, which further consolidates authors thinking. A must read for all the person looking for a stable work life.
Rating: 4.5/5
Deep Work
Title of this book is intriguing but book is not. The book deals with the concept of working deep. Working deep means without any disturbance. The concept of deep Work is told through various example. But, the book only revolves around few concepts over & over again which seems to be repetitive. I would recommend to buy soft copy & read it once to know that world exist even without social networks.
Rating: 3.5/5
The 4 Hour Workweek
The book by Timothy Ferriss is about lifestyle preferred by younger generation. A way to break stereotype & work as per your requirement. The book introduces an acronym DEAL which stands for Definition, elimination, automation & liberation. The book is one time read to gain a new perspective towards new lifestyle.
Rating: 4/5
Start With Why
Start With Why is the book written by Simon Sinek. A man who's TedTalk with the same name is one of the most viewed videos. This book concept is about golden circle Why, How & What which is base of the foundation. The book uses experiences of various firms which made it big & why rest were not. Overall a great read but I feel ted talk is sufficient for getting the idea.
Rating: 3.5/5
Think and Grow Rich
This book was long on my to be read list & I regret this decision. The book is a perfect blend of techniques & example to keep you glued. The stories are real thus it helps in relating with the truth. I truly loved it & will re read it many more times. The book is about 13 principals that can make anyone's life smooth. Do read it even if you don't believe in the concept of visualization. It is worth a time.
Rating : 5/5
The Wright Borthers
The book is the history behind the famous duo Oliver & Wilbur. First man in the history to successfully fly in the air. The story is much inspiring considering the adversity they faced for making their dream come true. From managing a bicylce shop to creating first every air plane is story in its self. This book accounts true visionery. Very well written & inspiring. Recommended to read for people facing tough times.
Rating : 4.5/5
Elon Musk
Rating: 5/5