Is Bangkok Safe To Travel Solo

Bangkok attracts thousands of crowds every year & each year the number of tourists visiting this country is growing. But, a question arises in everyone’s mind.

Is Bangkok Safe For Solo Travelers?

Safety is a foremost issue which needs to be catered while traveling. It becomes much more important if traveling solo. Solo traveling has its own drawbacks & one of them is being self-dependant all the time. Late night strolls, partying at pubs & traveling to unknown locations certainly becomes unrealistic.

Like everyone, I too had a doubt of traveling solo. My first solo trip to China was a happy affair & I had the same feeling while traveling to Bangkok.

So, what can be done to ensure solo traveling is safe?

Foremost thing one can do is to read about the places beforehand. Always read about the place before going, it not only boosts confidence but also familiarizes you with the place. I read about Bangkok through various blogs & never crossed any negative reviews about the same. Most of the travelers shared their happy stories. After reading positive reviews I had a no doubt in my mind about the place.

One important part is to wear a smile while talking to people. It has a positive impact on the peoples. A smiling face is welcomed in a much warmer way. So, never forget to smile. Also, always appreciate the efforts of others by saying “Thank You” for their services.

My trip to Bangkok & Pattaya was a very safe & overwhelming experience. Bangkok is a very friendly city & people are generally very helpful to every extent possible. It was very overwhelming to see the warmness with which they greet the travelers. During my stay, I was helped by roadside shop owners, bus conductors & locals.

Bangkok doesn’t have anything alarming about it. But, keeping yourself safe & sound is necessary even in the safest of the places. There were few observations from my side which I encountered during my travel.

Careful on TukTuk Drive: TukTuk Drive is a very lucrative mode of transportation. A vehicle which can accommodate 4 to 5 people with ease just attracts you towards it. But, before boarding; make sure you ask for the rates. Clear everything before boarding, if you don’t want any last minute surprises. There are lots of Tuk Tuk Drivers who charged more than they should have. In my opinion, avoid riding TukTuk without knowing the price; no matter how short the distance is. I have heard stories of fellow travelers who were conned to pay extra by Tuk Tuk drivers because they did not check the prices before availing the ride.

The most famous activity of Bangkok is adult shows. But, it is also one of the suspicious ones. I got to know about this, through one hostel guy. The guys went to a show which was supposed to cost THB 250. But, they had to pay thousands of THB before leaving the premises that too without any major expenses. After hearing their story, I preferred to refrain from these sort of activities. Avoiding such activities could save fortunes of money for you. If you are too eager to one of such shows check with some local guys about the authenticity of the place & then go ahead. Better to be safe than sorry.

Traveling at the night was a safe affair for me. But, being careful is an important criterion to be on a safer side. I mainly used public transport & always cross checked with fellow commuters if I am going to the right destination. It is better to clarify things like destination, fares etc to avoid any last minute surprises. I was pretty high one night & took a cab from metro station to Khao San road.The cab driver dropped me safely to my destination & without charging anything extra. I was lucky during my trip, but it could have been different. Avoiding awkward situation becomes a necessity in a foreign land. So, always be aware of surroundings.

Always keep your valuable with you or at some safe location pickpocketing or losing something valuables is not a very healthy sign. However, this goes for each & every place.

I enjoyed the place like anything & would suggest everyone visit this place at least once in their lifetime. Being a backpacker in this city is bliss, the vibe is amazing, the places are amazing. Just keep few points in mind, other than that the place is rocking. In my previous post, I have written about things to do in Bangkok. So, if you are still having any doubts just shot that thought pack your bags & just experience the place.

PS: Some western travelers stays in Bangkok for 6 months on a stretch.

Traveling helps to gain a new perspective & to learn things which are not taught in any books. So, travel in your 20’s when you are physically fit & low on responsibilities.

“Traveling is a drug; I am addicted to ;)”

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4 thoughts on “Is Bangkok Safe To Travel Solo

  1. For what it’s worth, generally speaking, I feel that Bangkok is a pretty safe place for those wishing to conduct business or take part in tourism. I feel safer in Bangkok, especially late at night, than I do in London.

    I have put together some thoughts on what I have both learned, and experienced, over the past 18 years in Bangkok [regarding safety] in this video.

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